Tuesday 26 November 2013

Knitted scarf by an amatuer!

Knitted scraf by an amatuer

This is my first time knitting a scarf since I was probably 15! I brought my wool from knit world in left bank arcade just on cuba st which cost $3.50 for just a single ball, and I am using knitting needles that my mum gave me a set of for christmas a bunch of years ago. Size 3.75m. I chose a colour blend of white, baby pink and baby blue in a pastel pallete.

I started knitting a small scarf on 26th nov at 930pm and watched a youtube video for the cast off - 'Knitting Techniques: How to Cast On: Scarf Knitting' video by eArtsAndCrafts, Serena Nelson.
 My mum was always the one who started the knit for me and she was always the one that finished my scarf knitting projects in the past. This time though I am determined to start and finish it all myself! After cast off the technique came back automatically and I remembered how to knit from memory and muscle memory! 
So far I have spent 4hours knitting from starting at 930pm and going through to 130am in my first sitting. I multi tasked my time while catching up with my current tv obsessions. It was quite soothing and theraputic if I must admit! 
I started my cast off with 15 stitches and have somehow managed to end up with 17 along the way! But so far so good and no holes yet either whoch is also a good trick I can make appear from orevious experience (also something my mum would have to fix!)
The reason behind my arts and crafty stuff and projects, is because not only do I want to develop my talents further and skill set, but also put my time to a good creative use. Also at work I have been in charge of a lot of projects for decorations (which will be discussed and uploaded consecutively along the way). Especially with christmas coming up I have a lot of projects to carry out!

With my knitting I will be keeping a time log here and find a ruler to track the lengths I get up to also. You can also see my photo progress that will be posted up on my facebook page: 'Tali attempts arts and crafts'

Please share and like my page. Leave comments and tips.
Also let me know of a project you think I should tackle! Post me photos or youtube links and I will try and attempt majority of the ideas posted.

1 comment:

  1. also, check out www.knittinghelp.com for some great videos :)
